Author: bricar77

Top unusual causes of outages

Outages don’t often happen as isolated incidents – they typically come as a result of other situations like severe weather and physical damage. Organizations must prepare for the unexpected and ensure their systems can withstand outages no matter the cause. Let’s take a look at some of the most unusual causes of outages: 1. Squirrels […]

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Power use escalates as weather warms [Video]

Spring has hit hard with unusually warm weather, and the summer promises to continue this trend. As the days become hotter, power use will escalate in an attempt to keep personnel and machines cool. During the summer, cooling can account for 50 percent of a business’s electricity bill. Peak weather conditions have pushed peak usage […]

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What makes planned outages different [Video]

Not all outages are caused by disasters. Some providers must have planned downtime to make improvements and do other work. Planned outages are significantly different from other incidents in a few key ways. If an outage is planned, an organization can inform its customers and take action to offset this downtime. Perhaps services will be […]

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How to overcome unexpected downtime [Video]

Unexpected downtime is a business’s worst nightmare. It costs a lot to recover and can damage an organization’s reputation. Thankfully, there are a few easy steps to help you overcome unexpected downtime. First, you’ll want to run proactive maintenance for your critical systems. Up to 70 percent of data center asset value is in its […]

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How weather extremes place added stress on your power supply [Video]

2016 clocked in as the hottest year on record. Rising overall temperatures, on top of seasonal weather extremes, places significant stress on your power supply and critical systems. The continued increases in temperature will boost overall energy demand, impacting our ability to produce and deliver electricity. Warmer climates call for more electricity for air conditioning, […]

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